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7. Have you ever been confronted by a stranger you took photos of? If so, how did that go?

The answer is both yes and no. By yes, I mean I’ll often have folks come up to me with questions about the camera I’m using. Since I primarily use analog, most of the time it’s someone who used to photograph way back when on their own analog setup. We’ll often enjoy a chat and talk about why I’m still using film, if I like digital too, etc. From there, they’ll leave with their curiosity satisfied and there’s no mention of if I took a photo of them or not.

By no, I mean I’ve never been confronted by someone I took photos of. I don’t know if this is down to technique or sheer luck, but I do have a way of trying to capture people in my composition without them noticing. It mainly comes down to looking through my viewfinder at the scene I’d like to compose with the people already in it and then quickly shifting the lens upwards (in my mind it looks less like you’re taking a photo of someone if your camera is pointed up and far away) while keeping them in the bottom of my frame. I’ll keep an eye on them while they go about their business and then snap back to my composition when I believe they’re no longer focused on me.

If someone has continued to watch me then I’ll often pass on the photo, I’d rather assume that they really don’t want their picture being taken (my assumption is that they’ve been watching to make sure I don’t point my camera at them) than risk it and impose on someone’s day by making them uncomfortable. However, I’ve rehearsed the scenario in my head a million times since I believe it’s likely to happen someday, and I have always envisioned immediately asking them if its alright that they were in my frame. Even though we’re likely in a public place and anyone is fair game, I think being kind and asking if it’s alright is the best way to begin the interaction.

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