Three Ways to Win Over an Herbal Skeptic

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Episode Summary

In this episode, I’m sharing three ways to win over the herbal naysayers in your life.

Here’s the backstory. Last fall, I sent a survey to my newsletter subscribers to ask them what was on their herbal minds. One of the responses I saw most often went something like this: “Help! I love herbs but my spouse/partner/friend/etc. doesn’t think they work. How do I get them to see how powerful herbs really are?”

You asked. I listened… and here are my three best tips, compiled just for you.

After listening in, you’ll know:

► Why cultural beliefs about herbs changed dramatically in the first half of the 20th century in the U.S.

► Why there’s no single approach to dealing with herbal skeptics (and how to increase the odds of reaching the skeptics in your life)

► The one way to almost guarantee you won’t influence your skeptic’s opinion of herbs (and what to do instead)

► The power of the pleasure principle and how you can use it with your skeptic

► and more…

What You’ll Learn from This Episode

  • 00:00 – Introduction
  • 01:31 – Why is so much shade thrown at herbal medicine? 
  • 03:29 – Strategy #1
  • 04:56 – Strategy #2
  • 09:41 – Strategy #3
  • 13:27 – Herbal tidbit

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