Google improves Bard’s interaction with YouTube Videos

Google is taking steps to improve Bard’s ability to comprehend YouTube videos. This means you can now ask Bard questions about the content of YouTube videos. For instance, if you’re watching a tutorial on making olive oil cake, you can inquire about the number of eggs needed in the recipe.

YouTube Extension Upgrade for Bard

This enhancement is part of an update to the YouTube Extension. Previously, this extension primarily functioned as a conversational video search tool. Now, it enables a more in-depth conversation with Bard about the content of YouTube videos.

Google stated that this update is in response to user feedback requesting more engaging interactions with YouTube videos. The goal is to enable users to have richer conversations with Bard about the video content they are watching.

Simultaneously, YouTube is testing a feature that allows subscribers to “Ask” questions about videos. This opt-in experiment, exclusive to YouTube Premium subscribers, introduces a chatbot that can provide video summaries, recommend related content, and offer additional information drawn from both the video and the web.

In their announcement, Google expressed:

Their commitment to meeting user expectations for deeper engagement with YouTube videos, leading to the expansion of the YouTube Extension’s capabilities to better understand and discuss video content with Bard.


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