Google Chat is getting Smart compose, adding apps and more

Today, Google announced the addition of seven new and upcoming features to Google Chat, making it even more enjoyable and effortless to message friends and family. Last year, Hangouts was officially integrated into Google Chat by Google. Here are the new features in Google Chat:

Smart Compose: Craft quick responses

Smart Compose, available in Gmail and Google Docs, offers contextual suggestions to help you respond quickly in Chat. It reduces spelling and grammar errors. Accept a suggestion by pressing the tab key while typing.

Message Editing and Deletion

Now you can edit and delete messages in Google Chat. Edit your previously sent messages to ensure clarity, accuracy, and the right tone. Alternatively, delete a message if it’s better to start over.

Quoting Messages in Group Chats

Organize conversations by quoting a specific message in your response. This feature allows the group to easily identify the comment you’re referring to, without interrupting the main discussion.

Read Receipts in Group Chats

In group chats, see read receipts for messages. When someone reads your message, their avatar will appear below it. For large group chats, hover or tap to view the complete list of recipients.

Direct Linking to Text

Share links to specific text within Chat. Whether it’s a restaurant menu, sightseeing tour, or a packing list in a document, select the text you want to hyperlink. Use the “Insert link” icon or the keyboard shortcut ⌘/Ctrl + k.

Hiding Inactive Conversations

To declutter your Chat interface, we automatically hide inactive direct messages and spaces that have been inactive for the past seven days if you have more than 10 conversations. You can access the full list by clicking the “More” button.

Add Apps for Enhanced Functionality

Expand the capabilities of your group chat by adding apps. For instance, when planning a surprise party, you can use Asana to make to-do lists and delegate tasks. Install Zapier for custom notifications and keep everyone updated. And of course, add GIFs from Giphy to liven up your conversations.

  • Smart Compose: Smart Compose is now available in multiple languages, including English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese for all Chat web users.
  • Edit, Delete Messages, and Quote in Group Chats: The features to edit, delete, and quote messages in group chats are now generally available to all Chat users.
  • Hide Inactive Conversations: It is now generally available to all Chat users.
  • Check Read Receipts in Group Chats: Read receipts, which were already available for direct messages on mobile and web, will now be rolling out for group messages on mobile and web this month.
  • Direct Linking to Text: In the coming weeks, you will be able to link text in your messages on web and Android.
  • Add Apps: The ability to download apps for your personal Chats and spaces will be generally available in the coming weeks.

Speaking on the announcement, Neeraj Mishra, Product Manager, Google Chat, said:

Google Chat simplifies communication, whether you’re coordinating a softball practice, discussing vacation ideas with friends, or sending a funny video to a family member.

With upcoming features such as smart compose, message editing and deletion, read receipts, and more, messaging friends and family is even more enjoyable and effortless.

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