Eat Just raises funds to continue ‘intense focus on profitability’

We have a lot of work to do to ensure that both are profitable. So, today’s funding is about ensuring that we continue to work on those profitability initiatives, cost reduction, sustainability, health, [and] quality for both Just Egg and Good Meat. And at some point, where we want to get to [with] investment capital is purely about growth — is purely about expanding to markets.​”

The year of efficiency: Capital challenges persist, but markets might be opening

VegInvest/Ahimsa Foundation, an organization designed to replace the use of animals in the food system, led this round of funding for an undisclosed amount of money, Tetrick said. Previously, VegInvest invested in Eat Just to support its Just Egg business, he noted.

[VegInvest] were central in the early days of the company, investing before Just Egg was in tens of thousands of points of distribution. Their funding allowed for that and allowed us to ultimately have the impact that we’ve had today in selling the equivalent of 400 million eggs.​”

Like many food and beverage startups this year, Eat Just has adjusted to the tighter funding market by trimming costs from its balance sheet while expanding distribution of Just Egg​. While acknowledging the historical ebb and flow of capital markets, Tetrick says he sees signs of the capital crunch easing.

You’re beginning to see the public markets open up a bit, and typically private capital is more unlocked when the public markets are open. Because any investor when they’re considering investing in a company, particularly a company of our sort, they’re thinking about what the future IPO opportunity is. And if the public markets are not open, that has a tightening effect on private capital.​” 

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