125 Fun (and Clean) Would You Rather Questions for Kids

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Have you ever played “would you rather” with a friend?

Depending on the theme, it can make for a lot of laughs… but can also serve as a way to get to know someone better.

When it comes to would you rather questions for kids, they can be super silly or even slightly inappropriate. Regardless of the tone, the best part is, it will get them thinking and away from their screens for a little while. 

I’ve come up with a list of 125 fun, pg-rated would you rather questions to get your kids talking. Score one for family bonding!

  1. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
  2. Would you rather be the world’s greatest wizard or have super powers?
  3. Would you rather be a hero or a villain?
  4. Would you rather be in the circus or star in a movie?
  5. Would you rather ride roller coasters or horses?
  6. Would you rather have a unicorn for a pet or a dragon?
  7. Would you rather slide down rainbows or jump on clouds?
  8. Would you rather have 100 friends or $100?
  9. Would you rather have a birthday party on the moon or under the sea?
  10. Would you rather fly to Mars or visit every single country in the world?
  11. Would you rather speak a second language perfectly or communicate with birds?
  12. Would you rather have ice cream for breakfast every day or fast food for dinner every night?
  13. Would you rather swim with dolphins or swing from trees with monkeys?
  14. Would you rather eat dirt or eat liver?
  15. Would you rather have a wonderful singing voice or play an instrument perfectly?
  16. Would you rather hold a tarantula or a snake?
  17. Would you rather be able to change colors like a chameleon or have a stinger like a bee?
  18. Would you rather go to the dentist every week or take allergy shots?
  19. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or read minds?
  20. Would you rather meet Santa Claus or God?
  21. Would you rather be trapped in a video game or a board game?
  22. Would you rather fly your own airplane or captain your own boat?
  23. Would you rather eat a live cricket or eat a cooked rat?
  24. Would you rather eat fried chicken feet or chocolate covered snake bites?
  25. Would you rather be a ghost or an angel?
  1. Would you rather be a giant or a fairy?
  2. Would you rather be your mom for a day, or your dad?
  3. Would you rather be 10 years older or 5 years younger?
  4. Would you rather switch places with an infant for a week or your grandparent?
  5. Would you rather shake a sweaty hand or lick someone’s tears from their face?
  6. Would you rather your poop smells like cotton candy or your boogers taste like cotton candy?
  7. Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jumping?
  8. Would you rather have two extra arms or two extra eyes someplace?
  9. Would you rather have no eyes or no ears?
  10. Would you rather have gills like a fish or wings like a hawk?
  11. Would you rather be caught farting loudly in public or picking your nose in front of your crush?
  12. Would you rather be a giraffe or an ostrich?
  13. Would you rather never play video games again or never watch tv again?
  14. Would you rather be able to climb trees or bounce high like a kangaroo?
  15. Would you rather be the smartest person alive or the funniest person alive?
  16. Would you rather be extremely kind or extremely good looking?
  17. Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or worst player on a winning team?
  18. Would you rather catch your grandparents skinny dipping or your mom kissing a stranger?
  19. Would you rather only be able to hum for the rest of your life or whistle when you tried to say something?
  20. Would you rather have flies come out of your nose whenever you sneeze or beetles every time you cough?
  21. Would you rather listen to the worst music for the rest of your life or only watch the news?
  22. Would you rather eat at McDonald’s or Wendy’s every day for one year?
  23. Would you rather be the fastest runner in the world or the strongest person?
  24. Would you rather be great at sports or hack any computer?
  25. Would you rather be in the Army or the Airforce?
  26. Would you rather go to war or go to jail?
  27. Would you rather live in a house on the beach or a chalet in the mountains?
  28. Would you rather win an Olympic gold medal or win America’s Got Talent?
  29. Would you rather win $1 million dollars or fly free on any airline for the rest of your life?
  30. Would you rather own a life size robot or have a personal servant?
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  1. Would you rather go back in time or forward in time?
  2. Would you rather have your breath smell like armpits or your armpits smell like rotten eggs?
  3. Would you rather be sick in bed for one week or break your leg?
  4. Would you rather go to Disney World or any country you chose?
  5. Would you rather climb Mount Everest or swim the English Channel?
  6. Would you rather give up your favorite food or your favorite dessert forever?
  7. Would you rather go to school during the summer or spend the summer with your least favorite person?
  8. Would you rather be grounded for 1 month or allow a blind person to pick your outfits out every day for two weeks?
  9. Would you rather get stung by a jellyfish or bitten by a snake?
  10. Would you rather meet the President of the United States or your favorite celebrity?
  11. Would you rather be famous on YouTube or famous on TikTok?
  12. Would you rather kiss an ugly person on the lips or kiss a squid?
  13. Would you rather have no hair on your head or hair all over your body like an ape?
  14. Would you rather drink raw eggs from a glass or drink a cup of sour milk?
  15. Would you rather it be cold every day or hot every day?
  16. Would you rather fly the Millenium Falcon or the Starship Enterprise?
  17. Would you rather have the same powers as Harry Potter or Voldemort?
  18. Would you rather your sweat be sticky like honey or your burps taste like rotten fish?
  19. Would you rather be constipated or have diarrhea?
  20. Would you rather be fat and happy or skinny and sad?
  21. Would you rather have no friends or no technology?
  22. Would you rather give up your cell phone or your television?
  23. Would you rather have a pet duck that could talk or a goldfish that could do tricks?
  24. Would you rather share a room with someone who snores very loud or someone who talks in their sleep?
  25. Would you rather be able to jump into your good dreams or never have a nightmare again?
  26. Would you rather give up Halloween or Christmas?
  27. Would you rather put Humpty Dumpty back together again or complete a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle?
  28. Would you rather sleep on a bed or rocks for one night or have an itch you can’t scratch for 3 hours?
  29. Would you rather have the power to bring someone back to life or the power to make someone you didn’t like disappear forever?
  30. Would you rather go to college or backpack through Europe?
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  1. Would you rather have a genie in a bottle or an invisible friend?
  2. Would you rather be tiny enough to fit in someone’s pocket or taller than a tree?
  3. Would you rather only be able to hear loud sounds (like fireworks and thunder) or whispers?
  4. Would you rather be wealthy or wise?
  5. Would you rather have lobster claws for hands or webbed feet like a bird?
  6. Would you rather not be able to stop dancing or make monkey noises whenever you had to go to the bathroom?
  7. Would you rather be a mermaid or a unicorn?
  8. Would you rather have to scratch your ears with your feet or pick your nose with your toes?
  9. Would you rather be friends with Spiderman or Iron Man?
  10. Would you rather have everything you ate taste like pickles or only be able to smell gross things?
  11. Would you rather have your friend give you an Indian burn or a purple-nurple?
  12. Would you rather see everything only in black and white or see only the color red?
  13. Would you rather dream in surround sound or see things in 3-D?
  14. Would you rather kiss a frog or be tickled for one hour?
  15. Would you rather eat toe cheese or moldy cream cheese?
  16. Would you rather be a pacifist or an activist?
  17. Would you rather sleep in a room full of spiders or eat just one spider?
  18. Would you rather be reincarnated as a bird or a whale?
  19. Would you rather change families or change friends for one year?
  20. Would you rather swim fast or jump over trees?
  21. Would you rather ride a motorcycle or drive in a convertible?
  22. Would you rather meet a Disney Princess or a Disney Villain?
  23. Would you rather your food taste like nothing or everything you heard sound muffled?
  24. Would you rather marry someone you never met or marry someone your family chose for you?
  25. Would you rather be a firefighter or a policeman?
  26. Would you rather rob a bank or a toy store, if you knew you wouldn’t get caught?
  27. Would you rather watch football or baseball on TV if you could only choose one?
  28. Would you rather be a famous athlete or a famous actor?
  29. Would you rather not celebrate your birthday or not celebrate your favorite holiday?
  30. Would you rather go on vacation for two weeks or spend one day at your favorite amusement park with no lines?
  1. Would you rather have the power of fire or ice?
  2. Would you rather not be able to speak or not be able to hear for one day?
  3. Would you rather swim in a pool filled with vinegar or coffee?
  4. Would you rather walk barefoot in the snow or wear thermal underwear on a 100 degree day?
  5. Would you rather visit Antarctica or Africa?
  6. Would you rather live in a treehouse or a cave?
  7. Would you rather ride in a submarine or the space shuttle?
  8. Would you rather drive the batmobile or Wonder Woman’s invisible jet?
  9. Would you rather have spaghetti for legs or suction cup fingers?
  10. Would you rather brush your teeth with salt water or take a bath in dirty water?

Final Thoughts on Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Your kids need to be pushed outside of their comfort zone every now and again. And coming up with some fun “would you rather” questions is a great way to do just that.

You may even be surprised at some of their answers… which can always lead to further conversations.   That, in itself, is a good thing. Open communication with your children is key to a healthy relationship.

Same goes for adult relationships. If you’d like to try this type of game with your spouse or friends, check out this article to help you get to know them better. 

If you’re looking for more questions and topics suited for kids, be sure to check out these articles:

Finally, if you want to level up your parenting skills, then check out this resource that will show you how to get your kids to listen WITHOUT yelling, nagging, or losing control.

Nicole Krause has been writing both personally and professionally for over 20 years. She holds a dual B.A. in English and Film Studies. Her work has appeared in some of the country’s top publications, major news outlets, online publications, and blogs. As a happily married (and extremely busy) mother of four… her articles primarily focus on parenting, marriage, family, finance, organization, and product reviews.

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